Если нужно - можно предоставить исходный вариант HTML-кода статьи
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large">
Нужно самому прописывать?
yui [5:17 PM]
Definition. Concept. Very basic example. Link to DevHub for more information. Links to plugins like wordpress.org/plugins/child-theme-configurator/ mentioned above and (if available) other simple tools
yui [5:19 PM]
Users should understand basic things of creating Child theme, prior to using plugin to do so.
not expected they will create anything themselves by hand, but its
expected they will understand what they are doing by using plugin
yui [5:20 PM]
DevHub article is focused on developers, it will be unnecessarily
complicated for most users, who are creating Child theme just to modify
1-2 templates
atachibana [5:26 PM]
OK, it makes sense. Give me a time to prepare the draft document for it, or you may do it by yourself.
In my idea, I’ll cut off DevHub page to be simple, and add some simple example.
> To facilitate navigation and understanding of overall document structure, authors should use headings that are properly nested (e.g., h1 followed by h2, h2 followed by h2 or h3, h3 followed by h3 or h4, etc.).
С h3 и h4 вот тут, например, не очень понятно, что "Стандартный wp-config-sample.php" -- это заголовок, а "Примечание" -- это примечание :)
В оригинале заголовок крупнее, как и должно быть:
Предлагаю структуру заголовков оставлять как в оригинале, лучше CSS поправить при необходимости.
Для новых -- вроде как нет: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/19235